Breast Cancer Cures
Cured thanks to alternative and\/or non conventional cancer treatments – Welcome to this page, the heart of Healing Cancer Naturally. There are many testimonials of individuals healed or having cured themselves of cancer utilizing holistic approaches & non invasive remedies in addition to links to testimonies and the reader is suggested to look at all of them or several. To assist you in finding what might most interest you, they’re grouped by subject matter below. These inspirational tales, including many motivate you to locate your own swift way to 24, may! – nyone who rejects evidence on the premise that it is anecdotal would stand towards the end of a jetty with a lifebelt on his hands and observe a man drown, not throwing the lifebelt since there wasn’t any scientific proof that it’d save the man’s life.
Dr Denis Parsons Burkitt, discoverer of Burkitts lymphoma – Note 1: These links lead to testimonials or to articles to people having been healed of cancer through the treatment strategy discussed in the article, including references. Note 2: A summary of cancer related testimonials on this website INCLUDING conventional ones can be obtained here. Note 3 type see Resources: Books by cancer victors. Natural non invasive and holistic approaches work by supporting the bodys innate recovery power, like through optimised nutrition, detoxification, love, sunlight, emotional healing, full of energy, mental and spiritual work. Special note – prior to starting to read any recovery testimonials, the testimonies of healing drawn to these very important observations re cancer over diagnosis and over treatment as well as to the well known power of the placebo effect as illustrated on these examples.
Detoxification based testimonials – light cancer testimonials – Holistic & Miscellaneous – Terminal cancer healed without treatment by a return to nature Given nine months to live, still alive and healthy 40 years later – Yoga breathing & poses therapy and other holistic techniques plus dietary and herbal detox helped heal cancer: spontaneous remission of brain, breast, lung cancer cases in two weeks thanks to mind body treatment – Dog cancer cure tips: beyond chemo – more holistic and\/or non invasive approaches that have helped heal a dog’s cancer – Metastasised breast cancer cure \/ remission Surviving terminal cancer twice doing nothing, but surgery and eating plenty of fresh homegrown vegetables – .
Regarding testimonials found on the web – by Healing Cancer Naturally – The core of Healing Cancer Naturally of course consists in private reviews showing that healing is possible, joy is hopeful and fuelling determination because the mental part of healing frequently appears to be the decisive one. And on the other hand, as you can have noticed, many cancer cure web sites on the web have something to sell, accompanied by glowing testimonials testifying to effectiveness.
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